Monday, October 15, 2012

What a difference a week makes!

Unbelievable! A week since the last post!

It feels like a lifetime has passed since last Sunday. Here it is early Monday morning, probably up from the residual adrenaline from the big weekend, though I'm still pretty tired.

That Sunday, we had the beginning of a multi-project week - visitors from Okinawa until Thursday, more Bazaar planning, scholarship process - yes, all for work.

Had our visitors come on another week, I feel we really could have done more, but I'm relatively pleased how much we were able to discuss and hear from them. I am excited for the possibility of what this Wakamono Youth Taikai can do to impact our young Uchinanchu from the mainland US. We had meetings and site visits, all of which were productive. Looking forward to putting a summary together of their visit for our members.

Caught a cold mid-way... I wonder if last Sunday was an indication that my body was wavering.. on Tuesday, I knew I was going to be sick. Sustained myself on fresh grated ginger tea laced with Blue Agave, staying pretty bundled and making sure I got 8+ hours of sleep each night. (The sleep was amazingly hard and simple to achieve...)

As a result, ended up slacking majorly at the end of the week on a lot of semi-vital tasks regarding the bazaar. It was a crazy weekend, and through it I feel I'm finally at the end of the cold, our sales may have been much, much better than initially imagined, and a lot of little unforgettable moments. (Some unexpected drama along the way...)

It's the morning after the bazaar and most folks are taking the day off. Alas, I do not get the day off, so I will trudge into the very, very chaotic office and do my best to restore. Today will be light on the "overall" picture and try to do the "menial".

I just have to say how much I appreciate the volunteers (apart from the fabulous planning committee). Particularly Sayuri, Sachi and Amy from my dance dojo. Without the three of them, I would have been much more frantic!

This Monday morning, I look forward to going to work to have a quiet cleaning day. That is my intention. (And to heal, say proper thank yous, and hopefully "celebrate" soon!)

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